The problem with pointing out the insanity in a person's life, is that the insanity does not seem insane to the insane. When there is corporate or social insanity, then entire groups of people are convinced that their insanity is sanity, and that the sane are insane.
This explains the madness of society, by thinking that men inhabit female bodies or that females inhabit male bodies (fruitloop city). This explains the insanity that forces NORMAL society, NORMAL people to lose their dignity and privacy and morality standards and religeous freedom in order to pacify the aberrant minutia of society, who is confused about the obvious.
On one hand, Christians are willing to help those who are actually handicapped (even if it involves gender confusion), but on the other hand, Liberals are ready to destroy those who are faithful to God and His word. Spiritual insanity is contagious, and will spread until the world will be as aberrant as it was in the days of Noah.
SO, how do we know who is sane and who is insane, how do we know what is sanity and what is insanity? God, as revealed in the Holy Bible, is the standard of right mindedness. Anything that conflicts with the revealed word of God is aberrant, whether it is aberrant thinking or aberrant behavior. The more rejection of God and His word that is manifested, the crazier our society becomes.
Welcome to the year of the Fruitcake.