Thursday, June 23, 2016



God created the world without sin and without aberration and without sicknesses and without death. Adam's sin brought all of these negatives into the world.
God's response to sin is to remove it.
God's response to aberrant thinking and behavior is to correct it.
God's response to sickness is to enable the victims to overcome the malady until He delivers them from the malady.
God's response to death is to defeat it.

God never approved of a twisted world that denied reality in favor of fantasy, and neither should we. It does not matter what you choose to think you are, you are what you are, whether you like it or not. The proper response to aberration and deviance and corruption is not acceptance but rejection, restoration and conformity to God's original design.

Though there are aberrant and deviant views on gender status in society and though there is a miniscule number of people who suffer gender physical confusion, the norm and the natural is that males have male physicality and females have female physicality. Sexual preference is not a private or personal right or domain. It is an area under the rule and wisdom of God. Sexual relationships and activities are under the authority of God, since
He is the Creator,
the law Giver,
the Sustainer,
the Redeemer,
the Lord and Savior and
Owner of all things human.

Unlawful and unnatural sexual activity is sin against God. God not only forbids and condemns unlawful sexual behavior, He does the same with illicit sexual thought. This is because we are not animals, but spiritual beings who are created in the moral image of God.

You can choose to accept corrupt society's fallen view of human sexuality, but you will answer to God for your anarchy. Remember, our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.

Aberrant and unrestrained sexual conduct is rebellion against God.