Friday, June 24, 2016

(5/10/16) GOD IS NOT A "SHE"


So, I met. a woman who believes that God is a woman. I responded with a laugh and said, "Everyone has the right to be wrong sometime." Somehow my new acquaintance did not see the humor in my response.

I thought it was funny, and clever of me to use contradictory terms together: RIGHT/WRONG and GOD/WOMAN. Also, I gave her the benefit of the doubt by implying she was not always wrong.

Herherher (I usually say, hehehe).

Later, as I tried to move to a less volatile subject, she said,
"You think that is funny, don't you." I asked her to what she was referring. She said, "that God is a woman."
I said that it is either funny or tragic and I chose to respond as if it is funny.
She asked why I do not believe God is a woman, so i explained that God, in His word, does not reveal Himself as a woman.
I went on to say that whatever the Bible says about God is true and therefore anything that denies the Bible is either funny or tragic.

I was thinking another play on words; weird type funny, not comedic type funny.

Notice, I did not get angry with her for believing a heresy. After all, she has enough problems. But she was angry with me because I believe the Bible.

What a messed up world that Liberalism has helped shape: it encourages men to wear dresses and call themselves women, and it rejects God's description of Himself in masculine terms, and asserts that He is a female. (It all goes together folks.)