Thursday, June 23, 2016



It becomes obvious, by reading posts on FB, that either people:
Don't know what the Bible says,
Don't believe what the Bible says,
Or they know and believe (in their heads), but don't care what the Bible says,
Because they contradict their Biblical posts with their Pagan, Humanists, Secularists, Materialists, Naturalists, Liberal Theological posts.

It is a dangerous thing to contradict the revelation of God, whether with our words or our way of life. This is why God gave us,
His word,
His Holy Spirit,
His anointed and faithful pastors.

Get all that God has for you (sound Biblical training), so that your life and words are,
A help, and not a hindrance,
A blessing, and not a burden,
A stepping stone, and not a stumbling block.