Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Though I do not stake my salvation on this concept, I am an unashamed, unapologetic trichotomist. I believe the human nature has three parts: Body, which is "other awareness" through the five senses; Soul, which is "self awareness" through reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will; and Spirit, which is "God awareness" through enlightenment, enablement, expiation, edification and exaltation.

Salvation reaches the whole man, in varying degrees at various points in time. Let me address what the perception of salvation is when focused through one of the five lenses of the soul.

* Reason, as the focus of salvation, leads to pride of knowledge rather than righteousness.
Desire, as the focus of salvation, leads to pursuing the self satisfying facets and ministries rather than the whole counsel of God.
Emotion, as the focus of salvation, leads to a feel good rather than a faith relationship and lifestyle.
Conscience, as the focus of salvation, leads to narrow, humanistic beliefs rather than Biblical authority as the foundation of faith.
Will, as the focus of salvation, leads to the rule of self determination rather than the Lordship of Christ.

While salvation actually does effect our reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will, salvation is primarily and ultimately related to the spirit of men, which focuses on the relationship with God.

God calls us to worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24).

God calls us to worship Him in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 29:2).

God calls us to make total commitment, which involves the whole man in spiritual service (Ro. 12:1-2).