If you are standing in the rain, it looks like rain.
If you are sitting in the sunshine, it looks like sunshine.
If you cannot afford food, you are hungry.
If your pantry is full, you feel satisfied.
If you are in the middle of a blizzard, you are cold.
If you are in the middle of the Sahara, you are hot.
Okay, our spiritual environment determines our outlook.
If we are in the flesh (the carnal) we are double minded.
If we are in the Spirit, we are single minded.
If we are walking in darkness, we are lost.
If we are walking in the light, we are on course.
If we are don't truly love God, we sin.
If we love God, we keep His commandments.
If we lean on the flesh, we fail.
If we continue in faith, we progress.
We see things from our own perspective. When our viewing point is off, our viewpoint is off.
If you want to see clearly, if you want to see things from God's point of view, then get as close to God as you can; be as filled with the word of God and the nature of God as you can.
Faith, hope, love, joy all depend on where we are with God. If you have a bad outlook, guess why.