Monday, February 27, 2017



THANK YOU to the Administration and Faculty and Staff of JOHN WESLEY BIBLE COLLEGE during my years as a student (1965-1969).

As I was thinking about the helps I have received through the years in my life, in my ministry and in my family, I was reminded of the strong yet loving and tender, and uncompromising Biblical/Christian training I received from people like J. Neal Anderson, Roman Miller, Jerry Larson, Don Winslow, Eileen Essberg, Mrs. Hovis, Mr. and Mrs. Temple, Herman Mandell and others.

They gave me guidance, they showed me kindness and patience, they held the line, they taught the word, along with other acts of loving leadership. Without loving Biblical leadership, I would have still been strong, but I would have also been wrong. They made it possible to be strong in the Lord.

They helped form whatever good and godly qualities I have. They did not give up on me and they did not give into me. They stayed the course and they held the standard, showing me how to PREACH THE TRUTH IN LOVE. I could have chosen an easier way in life, but they helped me anchor in the unchanging revelation and mercy of God. They helped me get the Biblical beliefs and the faith foundation, without which I could not have gone, would not have gone in the way of God.

I can't begin to enumerate the qualities they set before me and into which they led me.

They did this by way of precept and example.
They did this when it was not popular.
They did this though there were those who rejected it and railed against them.
They did this for the love of God and His people, and not the love of praise or for money.

Sadly, through the years, I have had others in my life who had the opportunity to assist me as I led my family, led my church, took my stand concerning Biblical truth, but most of those who had opportunity either avoided it or sabotaged it. They did this either because they did not have a solid foundation in Biblical faith or because they chose the easy and comfortable way of giving into the way of the world, and as a result they helped destroy those who were in need of help, those who rebelled against Biblical counsel.

Today, if you have a parent and/or a pastor that has chosen the way of the cross and the company of the committed, and the Lordship of Christ, don't lose your inheritance by desiring the pottage of this world, don't turn from you course because you long "for the fish, the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick" of the flesh. Be satisfied, be thankful, be joyful that God has provided you with Manna from heaven. It may not be as appealing as the fare of this world, and it will require daily gathering, but it will satisfy the soul and lead to eternal pleasures and treasures. God's provision cares for the inner man, not just the outer man.