Saturday, February 25, 2017



I have been preaching for years that "it ain't gonna git no better." Well, it hasn't and it won't. Oh, maybe there will be a lull in the chaos, but it will only be a Satanic ploy to put people at ease and lead them into greater darkness. The longer anyone puts off surrendering to Jesus, the harder it will be to turn from sin.

It is getting late and the time for seeking God is almost over. Now is the time for individuals to return to Biblical revelation and New Testament Christianity. God can save America, but only if America comes to a point that it calls on God to be saved. I DON'T THINK THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. This is why a personal salvation is so important.

Not only do we need a faith relationship with God, through Christ, in order to be acceptable to God and have eternal life, we are going to need all of God in our lives that we can have in order face the coming firestorm of anti-Christian forces in America and around the world.

It is time to build an ark for yourself and your family.