Tuesday, February 28, 2017



I KNOW, I KNOW, you have read or heard this a hundred times. But, read it again, for the first time. This is a brief statement about the "LAST DAYS." There has never been a time, since Jesus, that these conditions were more evident and pervasive in society.

2 Timothy 3:1-5
(1) But know this, that in the last days grievous (evil, perilous, hard) times shall come.
(2) For men shall be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, railers (blasphemers), disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
(3) without natural affection, implacable (trucebreakers), slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of good,
(4) traitors, headstrong, puffed up, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God;
(5) holding a form of godliness, but having denied the power thereof: from these also turn away.

Satan has always tried to create and sustain this kind of social, spiritual, intellectual, ethical, emotional morass, but it has taken modern communications, Secular Humanism, breakdown of family, rejection of the Bible and international unity to bring an atmosphere that feeds and sustains the seeds of spiritual squalor. This atmosphere is the result of the joint venture of leaders who have rejected the Holy Bible as the revealed and authoritative word of God.

When the Last Days start to tick away there will be no turning back to anything good. The world will have reached the point of no return, the tipping point. There will be no world revival or turning to Christ. The only option for the world at that time will be to continue its self destruction until Jesus returns as Judge and King, rather than Suffering Servant.

NOW IS THE TIME TO RETURN TO FAITH IN CHRIST AND HIS HOLY BIBLE. And even then, believers need to put out their big anchor, " 'cause it's gonna get bad."



It is disturbing to see the depths of degradation that this Presidential race is producing. The filth that is part of both families and the propaganda on both sides is unprecedented. Of course, there is forgiveness and salvation for anyone who turns to Christ. However, neither Christ nor salvation are part of the scenario in either the Trump or Clinton camps.

If you believe that you must vote the wicked Liberal machine of Clinton, Obama, Clinton out of power, I understand that, but don't be part of the false narrative that Trump is a moral, good man.

This election is more of a triage than a choosing of a worthy leader. We don't know what disaster Trump will possibly lead us into, but we know the death spiral that Clinton, Obama, Clinton have taken us down. We can hope for the best, but don't be shocked when the worst eventually breaks out.

Maybe you are thinking that God might use Trump to lead us out of this social, economic, racial, debacle and moral, international maelstrom, into a better day. I believe God can do that also. God could also overrule whatever disaster Trump might foster. Then again, God could do the same with Hillary. But depending on God to deliver us from deviant leaders and errant choices as a nation is presumption, not faith. It is absurd to think that America can choose evil as its moral code and then expect God to protect us from the consequences.

Remember, God offered Israel the opportunity to come under His beneficent, righteous, just and powerful rule, but they cried out for a king, just as the other nations around them. GOD GAVE THEM WHAT THEY WANTED, BUT THEY DID NOT WANT WHAT THEY GOT. America is getting what it wants, but in either case, it will not like what it gets.

So, what is my point? My point is that those who truly know Christ should be putting their full weight of service and proclamation behind Jesus, since He never fails, and since He is the coming King and Judge. Do not get on the band wagon of a Christ hating, Bible mocking, Christian persecuting movement. The allure to promote a worldly deliverer eventuates in a loyalty to the evil policies of that person.

Vote for Trump, encourage others to vote for Trump, but don't trust Trump any more than you would trust Clinton. Don't count on Trump to do that which only God can do. Don't count on Trump to deliver anyone from the power of sin, or deliver our nation from its love (lust) affair with sin. Only Jesus saves from sin, and Jesus only saves those who turn from sin and trust Him fully.




It is a part of life for some people; it is a substitute for life for some people, but it is not life.

FACEBOOK is not real life, but it is real.

Real life relationships can be found, made, built, destroyed on FACEBOOK.

FACEBOOK can be a place that we learn about our relationships with other people.

I cherish my FACEBOOK friends, but not all of my friends are on FACEBOOK, and I have some FACEBOOK friends that I have never met personally.

I love my FB friends, but not everyone I love is an FB Friend, just as I have friends in "real life" that I do not "buddy around with."

Life is more complex than social media relationships.

Love is not determined by a Friend List on social media.
I realize that my FB presence is pretty much a constant oratory on Christian living, and I realize that some of my friends are not interested in seeing and hearing a constant barrage of "preaching" or they are not interested in my view of these issues. That does not change my love for them. I understand this. As a result I very rarely (if ever) go onto their FB page and rant.

Likewise, there are people I know and love, who say things that are offensive to me. Most of the time I simply ignore it, or I hide the more offensive (vulgar, profane, obscene and prurient) comments. However, there are times when I see that my real life relationship is being attacked on an FB account. Rather than argue with that person, since they are usually unresponsive and resistant, I simply drop them from my FB friends list if it is a recurring problem.

Sadly there are people who profess faith in Christ, but their brand of Christianity does not allow for mutual respect and Biblical tolerance. There is an old adage that offers some good advice:

In Essentials Unity,
In Non-Essentials Liberty,
In All Things Charity (Love).

When I cannot find this kind of relationship, and when my faith and my life in Christ is being accosted, I choose not to make a "social media" circus online and therefore I end the FB relationship (which is a very rare situation).

I am a pretty tolerant person and I try to be a kind and considerate person (though I cut no slack for anti-Christian attacks), and most of my friends are very kind and sensitive as well. Sometimes we just agree to disagree, agreeably. It is especially interesting to me that some people, who make no profession of faith are actually easier to get along with than some people who claim the Name of Christ.

These concepts can be found in "real life" relationships as well. Sometimes a Christian relationship is not really possible, because Christian principles of interaction are ignored by one part of the relationship. When mutual respect and tolerance are lacking in the other person I seek to have an ongoing relationship (since I love them and Christ), based on simple civility and cordiality. Sometimes, even this is not possible. In such an event, that person must be left to the mercy and judgment of God, in hope that he/she will turn to Christ.

2 Timothy 2:24-26
(24) And the Lord's servant must not strive, but be gentle towards all, apt to teach, forbearing,
(25) in meekness correcting them that oppose themselves; if peradventure God may give them repentance unto the knowledge of the truth,
(26) and they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him unto his will.

Romans 12:9-21
(9) Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
(10) In love of the brethren be tenderly affectioned one to another; in honor preferring one another;
(11) in diligence not slothful; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord;
(12) rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing stedfastly in prayer;
(13) communicating to the necessities of the saints; given to hospitality.
(14) Bless them that persecute you; bless, and curse not.
(15) Rejoice with them that rejoice; weep with them that weep.
(16) Be of the same mind one toward another. Set not your mind on high things, but condescend to things that are lowly. Be not wise in your own conceits.
(17) Render to no man evil for evil. Take thought for things honorable in the sight of all men.
(18) If it be possible, as much as in you lieth, be at peace with all men.
(19) Avenge not yourselves, beloved, but give place unto the wrath of God: for it is written, Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord.
(20) But if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him to drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.
(21) Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.


(get rid of it before you stand before God)

As I have thought more about BHO and his anti-Ameirican and anti-Christian attitude and actions, I understand why some folks think he is a Christian. He is the same kind of Christian that many other modern, Liberal people are. He has publicly aligned himself with some of the moral principles of the Christian faith, but he is not a Spirit regenerated, transformed, born again believer in Christ, who has repented of his sins and trusted Christ only for his salvation. He picks and chooses the parts of the Christian message, in order to twist the message to fit his own perverted view of life. There is a lot of this religious garbage on the streets. Those that are committed to Liberal principles and policies and personalities are part of the same cesspool of religion. They profess to know God, but their hearts are far from Him.

Isaiah 29:13
(13) The Lord said, “Because this people draws near with their mouth and honors me with their lips, but they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment of men which has been taught;



Be a stepping stone and don't worry that someone might treat you like a doormat. You are not defined by your detractor's errors.



Sometimes a sports fan supports a team that he would normally pull against, either because the victory of that team will help the chance for his favorite team to get a higher ranking or because he would rather see any team win than the other one playing in that particular game.

Some of you are familiar with phrases like, "My favorite team is Carolina, and whoever is playing against Duke." (I am a Duke fan by the way, so I hear this a lot, hehehe).

The same point of view is held by some people who want Trump to win this election. It is not so much that they want Trump to win, but they would rather see anyone win, if it might stop the downward spiral which has been led by, and championed by the Liberal Democratic Party, Obama, his anti-American and anti-Christian administration, and Hillary Clinton, with her destructive policies.

At the end of the day, a sports event is not that important. At the end of this day, there is no Savior, no Deliverer for America, other than Jesus Christ. So, the political system will not save America, but hopefully America will wake up to its plight and will make choices that will slow down its self destruction.

Yes, I know that God rules in the affairs of men, that God sometimes turns the "king's heart." However, God also gives people what they want (which tells us more about America than it does the Obama White House). Hopefully America wants more and better than it has gotten during the reign of king Hussein, and we know that will not come through Hillary Clinton.


Though I do not stake my salvation on this concept, I am an unashamed, unapologetic trichotomist. I believe the human nature has three parts: Body, which is "other awareness" through the five senses; Soul, which is "self awareness" through reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will; and Spirit, which is "God awareness" through enlightenment, enablement, expiation, edification and exaltation.

Salvation reaches the whole man, in varying degrees at various points in time. Let me address what the perception of salvation is when focused through one of the five lenses of the soul.

* Reason, as the focus of salvation, leads to pride of knowledge rather than righteousness.
Desire, as the focus of salvation, leads to pursuing the self satisfying facets and ministries rather than the whole counsel of God.
Emotion, as the focus of salvation, leads to a feel good rather than a faith relationship and lifestyle.
Conscience, as the focus of salvation, leads to narrow, humanistic beliefs rather than Biblical authority as the foundation of faith.
Will, as the focus of salvation, leads to the rule of self determination rather than the Lordship of Christ.

While salvation actually does effect our reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will, salvation is primarily and ultimately related to the spirit of men, which focuses on the relationship with God.

God calls us to worship Him in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:24).

God calls us to worship Him in the beauty of holiness (Ps. 29:2).

God calls us to make total commitment, which involves the whole man in spiritual service (Ro. 12:1-2).



One Of The Lies That John MacArthur Has Told About Bible Believing Christians... PLUS an article addressing the issue of TOTAL DEPRAVITY.

MacArthur's lie...

Leading Calvinist John MacArthur asserts that,

“THE contemporary idea today is that there’s some residual good left in the sinner. As this progression came from Pelagianism to Semi-Pelagianism, and then came down to some contemporary Arminianism, maybe got defined a little more carefully by Wesley, who was a sort of, ah, um, messed up Calvinist, because Wesley wanted to give all the glory to God, but as you well know, but he wanted to find in man some place where man could initiate salvation on his own will… So that the sinner, un-aided by the Holy Spirit, must make the first move. That’s essentially Arminian theology: The sinner, un-aided, must make the first move.” (1 Sermon: The Sinner Neither Able Nor Willing – The Doctrine of Absolute Inability, preached at the Together for the Gospel (T4G) Conference, 2008.)

DLG note... I call it a lie because a mistake is an accidental misrepresentation. MacArthur knows full well that this statement is not accurate, yet he perpetuates the lies of Calvinism and falsely accuses those who disagree with the Five Errors of Calvinsim. Do not align yourself with a man that deliberately mishandles the word of God.


(I have copied and pasted a short article, taken from the website, ARMINIAN THEOLOGY. I have included the address for those who want to do further reading).

Do Arminians Believe in Total Depravity?

October 9, 2012 Arminian

Leading Calvinist John MacArthur asserts that,

“THE contemporary idea today is that there’s some residual good left in the sinner. As this progression came from Pelagianism to Semi-Pelagianism, and then came down to some contemporary Arminianism, maybe got defined a little more carefully by Wesley, who was a sort of, ah, um, messed up Calvinist, because Wesley wanted to give all the glory to God, but as you well know, but he wanted to find in man some place where man could initiate salvation on his own will… So that the sinner, un-aided by the Holy Spirit, must make the first move. That’s essentially Arminian theology: The sinner, un-aided, must make the first move.” 1 (Emphasis mine)

Loraine Boettner writes,

“AS we read the works of various Arminian writers, it seems that their first and perhaps most serious error is that they do not give sufficient importance to the sinful rebellion and spiritual separation of the human race from God that occurred in the fall of Adam. Some neglect it altogether, while for others it seems to be a far away event that has little influence in the lives of people today. But unless we insist on the reality of that spiritual separation from God, and the totally disastrous effect that it had on the entire human race, we shall never be able properly to appreciate our real condition or our desperate need of a Redeemer.” 2

Not only does Boettner explicitly say that Arminians “do not give sufficient importance to the sinful rebellion and spiritual separation of the human race from God,” his last sentence is a slap in the face if ever I’ve seen one: Arminians are not able to properly appreciate the need for a Redeemer.

Calvinist duo Steele and Thomas claim that Arminianism teaches that,

“ALTHOUGH human nature was seriously affected by the fall, man has not been left in a state of total spiritual helplessness. God graciously enables every sinner to repent and believe, but He does not interfere with man’s freedom. Each sinner possesses a free will, and his eternal destiny depends on how he uses it. Man’s freedom consists of his ability to choose good over evil in spiritual matters; his will is not enslaved to his sinful nature. The sinner has the power to either cooperate with God’s Spirit and be regenerated or resist God’s grace and perish. The lost sinner needs the Spirit’s assistance, but he does not have to be regenerated by the Spirit before he can believe, for faith is man’s act and precedes the new birth. Faith is the sinner’s gift to God; it is man’s contribution to salvation.” 3

The Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM) claims,

“TOTAL Depravity is the doctrine that fallen man is completely touched by sin and that he is completely a sinner. He is not as bad as he could be, but in all areas of his being, body, soul, spirit, mind, emotions, etc., he is touched by sin. In that sense he is totally depraved. Because man is depraved, nothing good can come out of him (Rom. 3:10-12) and God must account the righteousness of Christ to him. This righteousness is obtainable only through faith in Christ and what He did on the cross.

Total depravity is generally believed by the Calvinist groups and rejected by the Arminian groups.” 4

William MacLean writes,

“ARMINIANS deny the total depravity of man, in that they hold that the will of man is free and has the ability to choose Christ and the salvation that is in Him.” 5

Despite how convinced the above Calvinists are regarding the beliefs of Arminians, their claims are quite baseless. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth; Arminians wholeheartedly affirm the total depravity of man.

Jacob Arminius writes,

“IN the state of Primitive Innocence, man had a mind endued with a clear understanding of heavenly light and truth concerning God, and his works and will, as far as was sufficient for the salvation of man and the glory of God; he had a heart imbued with ‘righteousness and true holiness,’ and with a true and saving love of good; and powers abundantly qualified or furnished perfectly to fulfill the law which God had imposed on him. This admits easily of proof, from the description of the image of God, after which man is said to have been created, (Gen 1:26-27) from the law divinely imposed on him, which had a promise and a threat appended to it, (Gen 2:17) and lastly from the analogous restoration of the same image in Christ Jesus. (Eph 4:24, Col 3:10)

But man was not so confirmed in this state of innocence, as to be incapable of being moved, by the representation presented to him of some good, (whether it was of an inferior kind and relating to this animal life, or of a superior-kind and relating to spiritual life) inordinately and unlawfully to look upon it and to desire it, and of his own spontaneous as well as free motion, and through a preposterous desire for that good, to decline from the obedience which had been prescribed to him. Nay, having turned away from the light of his own mind and his chief good, which is God, or, at least, having turned towards that chief good not in the manner in which he ought to have done, and besides having turned in mind and heart towards an inferior good, he transgressed the command given to him for life. By this foul deed, he precipitated himself from that noble and elevated condition into a state of the deepest infelicity, which is under the dominion of sin. For ‘to whom any one yields himself a servant to obey,’ (Rom 6:16) and ‘of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage,’ and is his regularly assigned slave. (2 Pet 2:19)

In this state, the free will of man towards the true good is not only wounded, maimed, infirm, bent, and weakened; but it is also imprisoned, destroyed, and lost. And its powers are not only debilitated and useless unless they be assisted by grace, but it has no powers whatever except such as are excited by Divine grace. For Christ has said, ‘Without me ye can do nothing.’ St. Augustine, after having diligently meditated upon each word in this passage, speaks thus: ‘Christ does not say, without me ye can do but Little; neither does He say, without me ye can do any Arduous Thing, nor without me ye can do it with difficulty. But he says, without me ye can do Nothing! Nor does he say, without me ye cannot complete any thing; but without me ye can do Nothing.’ That this may be made more manifestly to appear, we will separately consider the mind, the affections or will, and the capability, as contra-distinguished from them, as well as the life itself of an unregenerate man.” 6

Arminius further writes,

“THIS is my opinion concerning the free-will of man: In his primitive condition as he came out of the hands of his creator, man was endowed with such a portion of knowledge, holiness and power, as enabled him to understand, esteem, consider, will, and to perform the true good, according to the commandment delivered to him. Yet none of these acts could he do, except through the assistance of Divine Grace. But in his lapsed and sinful state, man is not capable, of and by himself, either to think, to will, or to do that which is really good; but it is necessary for him to be regenerated and renewed in his intellect, affections or will, and in all his powers, by God in Christ through the Holy Spirit, that he may be qualified rightly to understand, esteem, consider, will, and perform whatever is truly good. When he is made a partaker of this regeneration or renovation, I consider that, since he is delivered from sin, he is capable of thinking, willing and doing that which is good, but yet not without the continued aids of Divine Grace.” 7

Dr. Brian Abasciano and Martin Glynn, President and Vice-President respectively8 of the Society of Evangelical Arminians, write thus concerning the depravity of man:

“HUMANITY was created in the image of God, good and upright, but fell from its original sinless state through willful disobedience, leaving humanity sinful, separated from God, and under the sentence of divine condemnation … Total depravity does not mean that human beings are as bad as they could be, but that sin impacts every part of a person’s being and that people now have a sinful nature with a natural inclination toward sin, making every human being fundamentally corrupt at heart … Therefore, human beings are not able to think, will, nor do anything good in and of themselves, including merit favor from God, save ourselves from the judgment and condemnation of God that we deserve for our sin, or even believe the gospel … If anyone is to be saved, God must take the initiative.” 9

The Opinions of the Remonstrants:

“MAN does not have saving faith of himself, nor out of the powers of his free will, since in the state of sin he is able of himself and by himself neither to think, will, or do any good (which would indeed to be saving good, the most prominent of which is saving faith). It is necessary therefore that by God in Christ through His Holy Spirit he be regenerated and renewed in intellect, affections, will, and in all his powers, so that he might be able to understand, reflect upon, will and carry out the good things which pertain to salvation. We hold, however, that the grace of God is not only the beginning but also the progression and the completion of every good, so much so that even the regenerate himself is unable to think, will, or do the good, or to resist any temptations to evil, apart from that preceding or prevenient, awakening, following and cooperating grace. Hence all good works and actions which anyone by cogitation is able to comprehend are to be ascribed to the grace of God… The will in the fallen state, before calling, does not have the power and the freedom to will any saving good.” 10

Roger Olson, author of Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities, and Against Calvinism, writes that,

“ARMINIANS together with Calvinists affirm total depravity because of the fall of humanity in Adam and its inherited consequence of a corrupted nature in bondage to sin. A common myth about Arminianism is that it promotes an optimistic anthropology.” 11

Even Calvinists Peterson and Williams acknowledge that Arminians hold to the doctrine of total depravity:

“ARMINIANS and Calvinists alike believe in total depravity: because of the fall, every aspect of human nature is tainted by sin.” 12

John Wesley, commenting on Genesis 6:5, openly taught that,

“CONCERNING man in his natural state unassisted by the grace of God… every imagination of the thoughts of his heart is still evil, ‘only evil,’ and that ‘continually.'” 13

Arminians thus wholeheartedly affirm the following definition put forth by Calvinist Charles Ryrie:

“BECAUSE of the effects of the fall, that original relationship of fellowship with God was broken and man’s entire nature was polluted. As a result no one can do anything, even good things, that can gain soteriological merit in God’s sight. Therefore, we may concisely define total depravity as the unmeritoriousness of man before God because of the corruption of original sin.

The concept of total depravity does not mean (1) that depraved people cannot or do not perform actions that are good in either man’s or God’s sight. But no such action can gain favor with God for salvation. Neither does it mean (2) that fallen man has no conscience which judges between good and evil for him. But that conscience has been affected by the fall so that it cannot be a safe and reliable guide. Neither does it mean (3) that people indulge in every form of sin or in any sin to the greatest extent possible.

Positively, total depravity means that the corruption has extended to all aspects of man’s nature, to his entire being; and total depravity means that because of that corruption there is nothing man can do to merit saving favor with God.” 14


1 Sermon: The Sinner Neither Able Nor Willing – The Doctrine of Absolute Inability, preached at the Together for the Gospel (T4G) Conference, 2008. Relevant Time: 31:54 – 33:15

2 Boettner, L., ‘Man’s Totally Helpless Condition,’ in The Reformed Faith

3 Steele, D., Thomas, C., and Quinn, S., The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Defended, and Documented (2004: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 2nd Ed.), pp. 5-6

4 ‘Total Depravity,’ in the Dictionary of Theology: <http://carm.org/dictionary-total-depravity&gt;

5 MacLean, W., ‘Arminian Errors,’ in the tract Another Gospel

6 Arminius, J., Complete Works of Arminius, Volume 1, Public Disputations of Arminius, Disputation 11 (On the Free Will of Man and its Powers)

7 Ibid. Declaration of the Sentiments, 5:3

8 According to announcement made on 20 July 2011: <http://evangelicalarminians.org/node/1179&gt;

9 Abasciano, B., and Glynn, M., An Outline of the FACTS of Arminianism vs. the TULIP of Calvinism: <http://evangelicalarminians.org/Outline.FACTS-of-Arminianis…;

10 The Opinions of the Remonstrants, 1618: The Opinion of the Remonstrants regarding the third and fourth articles, concerning the grace of God and the conversion of man, sections 1, 2, and 4

11 Olson, R., Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities (2006: InterVarsity Press), pp.55-6

12 Peterson, R., and Williams, M., Why I Am Not An Arminian (2004: InterVarsity Press), p.163

13 Wesley, J., Sermon XLIV: Original Sin, in The Essential Works of John Wesley (2011: Barbour Publishing Inc.), p.128

14 Ryrie, C., Entry for ‘Depravity, Total,’ in Walter A. Elwell, Editor, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology (2001: Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 2nd Edition), p. 337



(not to be confused with the concept of "Total Depravity," which properly means the fact that the whole man was corrupted by the sin of Adam. I will address this in separate posts).


People start out in life, unaware of the presence of sin in their lives. Then they become aware that they may have sin, such as anger, lust, deceit, greed, but in fact they do not have sin, rather, sin has them.

They cannot shake themselves free of their sin. They may curb their outward practice of sin, but inward rebellion and evil desire are present. If people do not confront their sin in some way, it will get stronger and stronger until the sin that served their evil desires will eventually become a ruthless tyrant, enslaving the sinner and taking him into darker and bolder acts of sin.

If the sinner accepts unrestrained sin in his life, he will become the willing tool of more numerous and more repugnant sins, and he will become less ashamed, less remorseful, less honest about his blatant resistance and rejection of God, God's love, God's displeasure, God's warnings.

Most people, because of the influence of God's Spirit and God's word, will recognize the danger of sin, even if they do not flee from its insidious clutches. They will be unable to escape the power of sin, but they will choose not to let sin remove all evidence of common grace (the grace of God given to all sinners, which keeps them from becoming unfettered monsters) from their lives.

However, there are those people who are so filled with pride (as was Lucifer) that they allow one sin to morph into a cluster of sins, which shamelessly embraces the whole gamut of sin. Seldom do we see a person so surrendered to Satan and sin that all vestiges of good are purged from their lives and all of sin runs freely and wantonly in their lives. Occasionally we see such a face of evil. It may be in the life of a social or political monster, or in the life of a social misfit, as they commit the most horrendous of crimes against their fellow man.

It does not happen overnight. It does not happen in the absence of Divine intervention. It happens over time, in disobedience to Divine warnings and offers of deliverance. The final outcome is a life that is filled with all manner of sin. From such a poisoned pit oozes hatred, anger, deceit, pride, meanness, selfishness, violence, perversion, blasphemy, all the while justifying self and condemning all others.

BE WARNED, Satan is a cruel taskmaster, and sin is a creeping corruption that will take as much of you as you allow and will take you further from God than you can ever imagine.

The answer to such a hopeless condition is not the limiting of sinful actions in your life, but the elimination of sin from your life, by surrendering to the Lordship of Christ, through faith in His redemptive work.

Romans 1:28-31
(28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
(29) Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
(30) Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
(31) Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Galatians 5:19-21
(19) Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
(20) Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
(21) Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

James 1:12-15
(12) Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
(13) Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
(14) But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
(15) Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.



God not only wants us to turn from our sins, He wants us to turn over to Him our habits, our personalities, our thinking, our worldview, our plans, or dreams, our fears.

2 Corinthians 10:5
10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

When we do this we will shine with the light of Christ and we will have the joy of Jesus.



A mistake is not necessarily a sin, but a sin is always a fatal mistake. A mistake does not indicate unfaithfulness, but sin is unfaithfulness.

To fail in an attempt to do good is not necessarily to fail in your endeavor to please God. There may be a number of failures on the path to ultimate success. The final outcome is that you have not failed, but rather you were in the process of succeeding.

Too often, too many people give in to their preliminary failures and they become final failures.

Even when we (including parents and pastors) fail to produce the end result we want, it does not necessarily mean we have failed to do that which is right and good.

2 Timothy 4:1-8
(1) I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
(2) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
(3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
(4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
(5) But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
(6) For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.
(7) I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:
(8) Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

God did not want Adam or any of Adam's children to sin or to reject Him or His offer of salvation.

God planned and provided a way for sinners to be reconciled.

God communicated His offer of salvation to sinners.

God has sought, and reached out to sinners.

But sinners continue to reject God and His salvation.


Faithfulness is the requirement. Whatever the outcome of our work may be, God requires us to be faithful.

1 Corinthians 4:2
(2) Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.

If you cannot be productive or successful in a given task, you can still be faithful.

God requires us to be faithful in the minor issues as well as the major things.

Matthew 24:44-51
(44) Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.
(45) Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
(46) Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.
(47) Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.
(48) But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming;
(49) And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink with the drunken;
(50) The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,
(51) And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.



I want to keep this brief, so I will take shortcuts. If I lose you, feel free to contact me. This is a VERY IMPORTANT (and very complex) SUBJECT.

Man is a three part being:
Body (other consciousness through seeing hearing, smelling, tasting and touching),
Soul (self consciousness through reason, desire, emotion, conscience and will) and
Spirit (God consciousness though enlightenment, enablement, expiation, edification and exaltation).

* The whole man (body, soul and spirit) has been affected, infected and defected by the fall of Adam.
* God provides salvation for the whole man, though it comes in phases (here and now as well as in the resurrection).

The Church has surrendered the healing of man into the hands of the humanists (philosophy, psychiatry, psychology and therapy).

By default, the human mind (soul) has fallen into humanistic domain, and therefore humanistic terms and therapy abound in the absence of Christian concern.

Humanistic gurus in education, medicine, and mind science have driven Christian counselors from addressing the soul problems of man, and have confused the real issues with the "wisdom of man." It is a mistake for people to evaluate the human personality based on humanistic standards, such as Freud, Jung or Myers/Briggs.

However, humans do have personality types or temperaments or character traits, which people need to surrender to the sanctifying work of Christ. Even though we may use some of the same terms, we must insist on a Biblical model. No one can reach spiritual maturity until they are Biblically sound.

Too often Christians allow corrupted and defective aspects of their inner man to continue unabated, or they accept their perverse worldview, attitude and behavior as being outside of the realm of salvation.

Once we reject the confusion of humanistic nomenclature and secular analysis, and we turn to God for wholeness as well as holiness, we will see spiritual purity and maturity flourish, and we will see childish, carnal chaos diminish and disappear.


The Jung and Myers/Briggs list of personality types is very complex. The more complex a system is, the more opportunity for humanism to bend and twist the information into a humanistic web, that confuses and controls people. Though I am not fond of the terms used in reference to the Four Basic Types of Temperaments used by Tim LaHay, the ideas are workable tools in dealing with and developing our inner man into the person that God wants us to be.


(if you read this, please read it all)

Don't judge a Bible believing Christian to be an enemy of the State just because he does not follow popular public practices. There is a world of difference between the person who denounces America, disrespects the flag, trashes America's foundation, and the person who does not vow unfettered loyalty to any country, including the United States of America. I am a loyal citizen of the greatest country in the world, but I do not vow (pledge) or take an oath and swear allegiance (supreme submission) to any man, flag, country, or system of any kind, other than to the God of the Bible.

While I appreciate the sentiment, intended by most people who repeat the Pledge of Allegiance, and I realize that most people do not know what the Bible says about pledging (promising, vowing, taking an oath, which is the definition of a pledge), and they do not know the origin or political/religious foundation of the person who wrote the Pledge, I DO and therefore, as a matter of conscience and uncompromising loyalty and trust in Christ alone, I choose to be a good citizen, who honors our country, but I do not go through same rituals as those who do recite the Pledge.

Also, I have seen great numbers of people who say the Pledge, yet live contrary to the principles of this country, undermine this country's values and disobey this countries laws.

Don't make the mistake of lumping Bible believing Christians with other people who do not recite the Pledge, such as cultists or anarchists and enemies of the State. You will not only be falsely judging a fellow believer, you will be attacking the revelation of God.

I do not make this issue (reciting the Pledge of Allegiance) a test of Christian faith, please do not make this issue a test of my love of America.



Don't be surprised in the days ahead when "Christians" line up with avowed enemies of the cross, to persecute serious and radical Christ followers. After all, we live at a time of extreme identity crises; Americans are becoming Communists and Socialists, males are trying to become females (and vice a versa), society welcomes terrorists and parents promote homosexuality. This time of identity crises is all aimed at the plan God has for humanity.

This is why Christians need to become more focused, knowledgeable and committed to the teachings of the Holy Bible. The attacks and persecution will cause many to deny the faith. DON'T BE A STATISTIC.

2 Timothy 3:1-5
(1) This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
(2) For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
(3) Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
(4) Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
(5) Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.



The devil wants to subvert the Lordship of Christ any way he can. Right now there is an attack on American nationalism and patriotism. At the same time there is a push for Statism.

Christians must not allow social pressures to squeeze them into the mold of the world in either direction. Christians are actually supposed to be good citizens, even when their own country is not faithful to God's directives. On the other hand, Christians must not give their loyalty and trust to the State, which belongs to God alone.

Satan has often labeled Christians as being enemies of the State, simply because they would not give obeisance to the State. We should render honor to whom honor is due, but we should never give unrestrained submission to anyone except God.

For a Christian to honor only God as the supreme authority will cause people of differing viewpoints to rally against Christians. It is a subtle persecution, but Christians must not compromise the Lordship of Christ for any reason.

Romans 12:2
(2) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Romans 13:1-7
(1) Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
(2) Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
(3) For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:

(4) For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.
(5) Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.
(6) For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.
(7) Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

Acts 5:29
(29) Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.


(because it ain't Biblical salvation)

Don't be led astray by the errors found in the STANDING AND STATE doctrine. Supposedly our STANDING is how God sees us, or it is referred to as, our "position with God, while our STATE is our actual condition.

Those who do not believe that God actually saves His people from their sins (or from most sin, or from the power of sin, or from the pollution of sin), teach that God "sees" the saved person in a particular condition, even though that person is not in that condition. They teach that God "sees us through Christ," and therefore does not see our sins or our sin. Rather than teaching that Christ actually saves us from sin they teach that Christ blinds the Father to our sin or deceives the Father by making our sins invisible.

These false teachers are right when they say that believing this doctrine will make people feel better about themselves. Unhappily, it is a lie that makes people more comfortable in their sin and sins. People do not like what God says, therefore they change it to fit their own sinful viewpoint. When we remove the power of God to save us from sin, we enslave ourselves to sin.

Sinning religion is a self fulfilling prophecy. If you believe that you cannot live without sinning, you will sin. If you do not believe that God sees the sins in your life, you do not turn from sin to God. The end result is not eternal life, but eternal separation, because the wages of sin is death.



It is so easy to forget what someone tells us, even when it is important and interesting, but when it is written somewhere, we can "hear" it over and over again. FIRST and FOREMOST, and in a category all alone, I am grateful for God's written word. But I also cherish the writings of Christians, which help us understand and apply God's word to my life.



Years ago I loved to play Super Nintendo's, "Starfox." However, there was one level that I really did not like. It was when the clingy obstacles would attach to your ship and slow you down.

This is a great picture of sin. Sin will attach to us, slowing us down, inhibiting our progress, reducing our advancement and ultimately causing us to fail. In the game, we had to shake it loose from our ship. If a person does not avoid sin, confront sin, destroy sin, it will attack, attach, absorb, afflict and annihilate us. Of course, we cannot overcome temptation and sin on our own. we need Jesus. On the other hand, when we are submitted to Jesus, we cannot be overcome by evil.

When you detect sin attaching itself to you, SHAKE IT OFF, by calling on Jesus, trusting Jesus, following Jesus and obeying Jesus. Now that is what I would call the holy shakes.

09/08/16 First Corinthians 13...

09/08/16 First Corinthians 13...

Contrasts between that which is good (the gifts of the Spirit) and that which is best (the fruit and the fullness of the Spirit), vss. 1-3.

Completes that which is begun in the Christian's life. Perfect love is the standard (Mt. 5:44-48), the fulfillment (Ga. 5:14), and the goal (1 Tm. 15). vss. 4-7.

Calls us to the life of perfect love. vss. 8-13.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3
(1) If I speak with the languages of men and of angels, but don’t have love, I have become sounding brass, or a clanging cymbal.
(2) If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but don’t have love, I am nothing.
(3) If I give away all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but don’t have love, it profits me nothing.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
(4) Love is patient and is kind; love doesn’t envy. Love doesn’t brag, is not proud,
(5) doesn’t behave itself inappropriately, doesn’t seek its own way, is not provoked, takes no account of evil;
(6) doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
(7) bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

1 Corinthians 13:8-13
(8) Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will be done away with. Where there are various languages, they will cease. Where there is knowledge, it will be done away with.
(9) For we know in part, and we prophesy in part;
(10) but when that which is complete has come, then that which is partial will be done away with.
(11) When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child. Now that I have become a man, I have put away childish things.
(12) For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, even as I was also fully known.
(13) But now faith, hope, and love remain—these three. The greatest of these is love.



I feel sorry for those who have great wealth, which is tied up in material value.



Do not be led into thinking that Love and Faith are blind to the reality of sin or unaware of sin's outcome.

Just think of the message of the prophets and the apostles, or Jesus, if there had been no alarm, no urgency, no warning, no passion. They would have sounded like modern day pulpiteers with their positive confession, emergent message, Liberal theology.

Being honest about sin and judgment is not the lack of love and faith (though it may be falsely presented in that way), but it is actually the response of love and faith to man's separation from God.



* Love is not simply an emotion, enjoyed by one person.
* Love is an expression, extended to another person.

(Notice how the Holy Bible says this).

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (BBE)
(4) Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself, love has no pride;
(5) Love's ways are ever fair, it takes no thought for itself; it is not quickly made angry, it takes no account of evil;
(6) It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true;
(7) Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (KJV)
(4) Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
(5) Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
(6) Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
(7) Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

(I included two translations. They both say the same thing, but the BBE translation is in today's vernacular, and is in some sense is more accurate. The Greek word "Agape" should be translated LOVE and not CHARITY.)

Now, be sure to go back over the passage and drink in the truths.




It is used to shape minds, organize societies, spawn movements, raise up and bring down governments, save or sabotage nations, destroy or develop individuals.

Unhappily, the forces of evil lost no time in adding this weapon to their arsenal. But, as it has been seen in the past (with movies, radio, television), churches (local congregations) have been slow in realizing the Divine use of this tool. We need more people (men, women and children) to become proficient in the use of this media. I am not simply referring to the technical or academic or entertainment or business or communication applications. I am referring to local churches, and pastors, and individual believers wielding this instrument in a full out mission for God's glory. It is neither an extraneous nor elitist instrument. It is enormous power available to any and all who have the vision and the commitment to reach the masses who are dying without Christ.

(a personal word)

I am constantly thinking about the many ways that I could use computers and the internet to do God's work. Yet it is not just a one man operation. Just as a music program involves singers, players, writers, composers, teachers, leaders, so too does the use of the computer/internet need a team of people.

I also think about the many ways that ministries could network together in reaching greater numbers of people, if they ever pooled some of their resources and time (which, by the way would be nearly negligible).

We run our homes, run our businesses, entertain our children, educate ourselves, socialize with the world, but we don't take the ministry of the computer/internet seriously. Hate groups, false religion, pornography, music, business, politicians, amusement and entertainment industries are all harnessing this power for their own purposes (usually linked to making money and/or destroying lives), while the Christian community follows along, rather than mobilizing it in an all out attack on the kingdom of darkness.

One more thought.

Think about how much the computer and/or internet multiplies the success of nearly every kind of application (good or evil), yet it hardly gets a serious consideration from those who are entrusted with the greatest message in the universe.



Years ago I had a dear friend who was a well known and highly esteemed Bible preacher in Carteret County. He has since gone to be with Jesus. He was very strong and vocal concerning his beliefs, HOWEVER, there were a great number of Biblical issues I addressed, which he ignored.

In reference and in disagreement to my ACTIVISM and OUTSPOKENNESS, he used to say "Everybody is against something, but I am for Jesus." Well, actually he was against plenty and did not keep it a secret. I commended his openness and boldness. But he was only bull dogmatic about some of God's truth.

I, on the other hand, oppose anything and anyone who rejects the Holy Bible, whether friend, foe, family. In fact, whoever is, "FOR JESUS," is going to be against a great number of things, starting with sin and false doctrine.



I am sorry for those who suffer at the hands of tyrants and monsters. However, suffering for one's belief system does not qualify them as "Persecuted Christians."

INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN CONCERN, an organization that supposedly reports and acts in behalf of Christians who are suffering for their faith around the world, just recently referred to the Russian deportation of MORMONS (the erroneously named, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) as though they are Christians being persecuted.

* I don't care how nice they are.
* I don't care what they call themselves.
* I don't care if you are related to a Mormon.
* This is not my opinion, it is fact.
* They deny the inerrant, infallible, and Divine authority of the Holy Bible.
* They subscribe to THE BOOK OF MORMON, THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE and DOCTRINES AND COVENANTS, Mormon writings that contradict the Bible and are believed by Mormons as more authoritative than the Holy Bible.
* They deny the nature of the God of the Bible.
* They deny the nature of Christ.
* They deny the Biblical teaching concerning the fall and the sin of man.
* They teach polytheism (belief in a multiplicity of gods).
* They teach a false anthropology (nature and origin of man).
* They have an extremely racist and violent history (though the religion is less than 200 years old).
* They change their supposedly inerrant religious writings to promote themselves (as with their polygamous "Eternal Covenant" being abandoned, in order to make Utah eligible to become a State).
* They lie to those whom they are trying to proselytize (If you don't believe this, ask me and I will explain it to you).

Not only did International Christian Concern align the Mormons with Christianity, they are supported by a great number of lay people who are as ignorant and misguided as they are.

It is not hatred to tell the truth. The fact is that Mormonism is not Christian. Mormonism denies basic Christians beliefs, Mormonism teaches beliefs contrary to the Bible. Mormons need to turn from Joseph Smith and the Jesus of the LDS, and thy need to believe the Bible and reject false writings of The Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrines and Covenants.



Don't tell anyone, but this "terrible nation" actually became the most wonderful nation on the face of the earth in the 150 years between its planting and founding. Then, through the decades it continued to improve its stand concerning equality, justice, beneficence, compassion, power, leadership, freedom. As long as the USA accepted Biblical principles, encouraged freedom of religion for Christianity (rather than errantly extending it to religions which were enemies of Christianity and America's principles of freedom and morality) it moved in the right direction and made life better for its own people and the people of the world.

Even as America struggled with its own history and identity, it still moved in the right direction, although to a slower and a lesser degree. However, when Liberalism and anti-Christian, anti-Bible forces got hold of Public Education, the improvement of this country was drawn to a screeching halt and the death knell was sounded for the American dream. Now, the forces that criticize our nation's history and our exceptionalism are the very forces that have undermined and sabotaged it.

Yes, I believe God can bring us back. But this world will not see the Kingdom rule the nations until the King (Jesus) comes back. It will get worse, even if we have moments of getting better. Our hope is not in the system, not in the power of men, not in revival. Our only hope is in Jesus, Who will return and conquer His enemies.



After I wrote my previous post I realized...

Most people prepare more for the coming of Santa Claus than they prepare for the coming of Jesus

They prepare more for Old Man Winter than they prepare for, "The Ancient of Days."

They prepare more for, "A rainy day," than they prepare for the day of harvest.

They prepare more for blind date than they prepare for, "The Marriage Supper of the Lamb."

They prepare more for a day in traffic court than they prepare for the Judgment of God.

They prepare more for a family get together than they prepare for the gathering together in the sky.

They prepare more for the office party than they prepare for eternal joy.

They prepare more for a possible pop quiz than for the certain, "Fiery Trials."

They prepare more for a boat ride than they prepare for sailing into glory on "The Old Ship of Zion."

They prepare more for a flood tide than they prepare for the One Who, "Plants His footsteps in the sea, And rides upon the storm."

And the list goes on.


(please rate article)

Praise the Lord for His watchful care through the wind and water problems we have had along the east coast. I know some folks have suffered greatly, and that is heart breaking. We had water in our yard, from rain, but nothing disastrous.

We make plans and prepare the best we can for natural events, but when it comes down to it, man only proposes, but God disposes. Our strongest defenses crumble before natural forces and/or Divine actions, and the weakest person is often kept safe by the wisdom and mercy of God. But it is sad how so many people will prepare for problems, challenges, potential earthly and temporal disaster, yet ignore the warnings concerning the coming social, political, economic, moral and spiritual catastrophic events, which will devastate this world, and the firestorm of God's judgment, which will fall on all those who resist and reject Christ.

Though many of us have experienced weather upheaval, most of us are only observers to the terrible ruin and suffering some people experience in natural storms. And because we remain untouched, we tend to be somewhat cavalier. This is true along spiritual, along eternal lines as well. However, if someone is not prepared when the storm of God's judgment hits, he/she will spend eternity realizing that they did not need to lose it all. Even then, and throughout eternity, they will not be sorry for resisting and rejecting Christ, but they will only regret being caught in their sin.

09/03/16 Did you know that you can read my thoughts"

09/03/16 Did you know that you can read my thoughts"

A big, "THANK YOU," to those who read my posts. I hope my efforts benefit those who read my thoughts. It helps and encourages me



We are not necessarily guilty before God, for being stupid or ignorant, but we are guilty for being disobedient and rebellious to His commands.
Weaknesses and infirmities are not necessarily condemning, but deliberate resistance to Divine directives are condemning.

Just think how much better our world would be, how much better our society would be, how much better our family would be, and how much better we would be individually, if all willfully wicked actions and words were eliminated from our lives. It would still take grace and patience and mercy to live with the frailties of one another, but the evil dispositions that wreak havoc would be gone.

OK, so we won't see this in our lifetime, at least on a social level. But we can see it in our own personal lives. This is what it means to be a Christian. We live in the love and power and grace of God, doing to other people what we want them to do to us, regardless of how they may treat us.

Ephesians 4:1-3
(1) I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
(2) With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
(3) Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Colossians 3:8-17
(8) But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
(9) Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
(10) And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:
(11) Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
(12) Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
(13) Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.
(14) And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.
(15) And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.
(16) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
(17) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.



It is not only OKAY to abandon your long held and deep seated Humanistic beliefs and worldview, it is IMPERATIVE that you renounce and denounce that which is contrary to Biblical revelation.

It may cut across the training from your parents, or it may contradict what you got from your expensive and beloved college education, or it may negate what you have loudly and vigorously declared for years to be factual, or it may cause division with loved ones who are still held by the shackles of Humanism, but you must abandon false beliefs before they separate you from God forever.

Just as a person should abandon a sinking ship before it plunges to the ocean floor; just as an alcoholic should turn from all booze, so should a slave of Humanism renounce and denounce worldly wisdom raised up against God.

You cannot love worldly wisdom and love God at the same time.You cannot believe mutually exclusive concepts at the same time. You cannot be filled with light and darkness, truth and deception at the same time.

Don't allow fear to bind you to your vain philosophy. Don't allow heritage keep you captive to false beliefs. Don't allow pride to rob you of truth and life.

You can escape the bondage of darkness, the deception of sin, by calling on Jesus, and repenting of your arrogant bias against the Holy Bible, and receiving Christ as Savior and Lord of your whole life.


So, the success of the battle hinged on the paratroopers parachuting into the countryside, west of the enemy, trapping the enemy along the shoreline of the lake, which would lead to an inevitable victory. However, the parachute riggers failed to pack the chutes and the battle was lost. How many battles in the spiritual war of local churches are lost because someone behind the scenes did not do his/her job?



One of my reels has a broken bail spring. I looked on YouTube to see how I can fix it. WOW, there is so much info about so many things, COOL. There is really great technology in a spinning reel and it requires expert knowledge to design, machine, assemble and repair one. But in this information age, almost anyone can do maintenance, if they follow directions on the internet.

Then again, all of life is like this. It is complicated; it is fragile, it is in need of maintenance and repair. So where do we go for help? The answers are legion, since the needs are plenteous, such as medical doctors for physical needs, financial advisers for economics, coaches for sports, mechanics for machines.

But let me narrow it down quickly to basic maintenance for relationships, attitudes, ethics, dignity, decorum, civility, morality, marriage, parenting, home life, socializing, alliances and a host of other personal needs.

God has given us His word, His Spirit, godly parents, teachers mentors, and pastors. With all of the problems and breakdowns that we face throughout our lives, we need constant, on-call help. God does lead individuals, but He also uses shepherds to guide.


Be willing to listen, learn and live by the godly instruction God provides through preaching, teaching, counsel, correction. If you have a pastor you trust then you should be able to receive his spiritual feeding at least as confidently as you receive your favorite dish at your favorite restaurant. If he loves you, he only wants to tell you truth that helps you. If he loves God and knows God's word, he will tell you things that are to your benefit. If you are suspicious or you distrust your pastor, you either need to get right with God or you need to get a pastor who is trustworthy.

The devil wants parishioners to doubt their pastors. Satan seeks to make the pastor untrustworthy, but if he cannot do that, he makes the parishioner a critic. In either case, the authority of the word of God, in a person's life, is overruled by Satan. The relationship between the shepherd and the sheep should be a loving, trusting relationship, not an antagonistic one.



God, through Paul, pinpointed two major issues in one statement.

#1 The issue of Christians cleansing themselves from all filthiness of the flesh (the instantaneous result of receiving the fullness of the Holy Spirit).

#2 The issue of purified believers perfecting holiness in their own lives (the result of the progressive and ongoing transformation in the lives of the entirely sanctified).

2 Corinthians 7:1
(1) Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

Concerning #1
There is a cleansing from all sin, which is obtainable to the Christian who hungers and thirsts after righteousness, who makes total surrender to God and who believes that God saves them from ALL SIN. While all Christians are forgiven of all the sins they have committed, and they are cleansed from the pollution (fruit) of a sinful life, the sinful nature (root) remains in them and they need to be cleansed from all sin. This is part of the provision of the atonement and is available to believers who trust God for complete deliverance from all sin.

Concerning #2
Every believer brings the baggage and history of his past into his new life with Christ. Our SINS (our evil words, thoughts and deeds) are forgiven at the time of our justification, and our SIN (the carnal mind, the double mind, the evil heart of unbelief etc.) is removed at the time of our entire sanctification. However there are infirmities, weaknesses, frailties that are not inherently sinful, yet they hinder our growth in grace and knowledge and service to God. God will lead and deliver the faithful follower into victory over these areas, IF the believer remains humble and submissive to the leading and perfecting work of God.

SADLY there are believers who do not come to the knowledge of God's purifying grace, and there are sanctified believers who are just waiting rather than perfecting holiness in every area of their lives.

Pastoral care (shepherding) is God's way of leading believers into total victory (as singles, marrieds, parents, leaders, followers, witnesses, providers, etc.) through preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God. The Holy Spirit leads the whole man into the whole counsel of God through the whole truth of the Bible.




Two devilish lies concerning the Fall of Adam in the Garden that are capturing the minds and lives of many of our friends and family today are the false doctrines of Calvinism and Mormonism.

Calvin taught that God willed and ordained the fall of Adam, for His own glory.

Mormonism teaches that Adam's eating the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was the will of God and part of God's redemptive plan to save the lost.

I know, I know, it is hard to believe anyone would believe such lies, until you remember how Eve believed Satan when he said that disobedience to God would not cause her to die; and remember that Paul warned Christians not to be deceived like Eve; and remember that Jesus said many false prophets would rise up in His name and deceive many.



I am a dreamer, a visionary (but more about that at the end of this article).

I am a success oriented person. In other words, I really don't like losing and failing; and quitting is almost never an option. I realize this is true for the average, well adjusted person, but I am one of those driven people. I don't tend to wait for life to come my way; I tend to go after it. One of the down sides to this is that I feel the weight of failure and take it personally.

Driven people need the grace and wisdom of God to guide them, to temper them, to humanize them.

People who take failure personally need the grace and wisdom of God to keep them from depression or anger or defeat.

I always expect top level performance from myself, and I also expect success from my effort. Needless to say, I am often disappointed, and I readily blame myself, usually by talking to myself, as in, "David, David, David" or by placing the blame on myself, as in thinking,, "I am sorry."

But as I said, this is where the grace and wisdom of God comes into the picture. I have to accept that I cannot do everything, in fact I cannot do everything that I think I can do. Even when I have the skills, I may not have the opportunity or time or support. I have to set my agenda by the things that are possible. Even then I don't always measure up.

This is a reason that I have to narrow myself down to the doable. I get frustrated when I see the things that need to be done, the things that can be done, but they are not being done because the workers are not making themselves available. The old saying is that, "many hands make light work." When there are not enough hands then the darkness prevails (yes, a play on the word, "light").

As I mentioned earlier, I am also a dreamer, a visionary, and an optimist. When I encounter a problem, I immediately start thinking about possible solutions. Mixed with faith in Christ and supported by a willing and eager team of believers, the opportunities for victory and success are beyond spectacular.

I believe that pastors should have these qualities. If your pastor has these qualities you should add your own skills, abilities, talents, gifts, know how, faith and support to his. In fact, if your pastor does not have these qualities, you probably need a new pastor or your pastor needs a renewal. If you are not joining in his mission, then you need renewal. Or, in keeping with the title of this article, you need the grace and wisdom of God in your life and then you need to live it out by faith.

We can't do it all. We cant even do what we think we can do, but we must do what God enables us to do, and then, we must leave the end result in His hands. As I mentioned in my previous FB LIVE presentation, "Do not let the lack of interest from other people determine your level of commitment."

Ecclesiastes 9:10
(10) Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.

1 Corinthians 15:10
(10) But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

Colossians 3:23-24
(23) And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
(24) Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.



Did you know that God not only (1) forgives our sins and (2) cleanses us from all unrighteousness, but He also (3) delivers us from the negative aspects of our temperament, our personality, our attitude, our demeanor, our habits?

(1 crises) The forgiveness of sins comes in an initial and instantaneous work of grace in the believing sinner.

(2 crises) The purifying of the heart from the the carnal mind (the old man, the law of sin and death, the flesh, the evil heart of unbelief, the double mind) comes as a subsequent and instantaneous work of grace in the believing Christian.

(3 process) However, the deliverance from personality. habitual, worldview, and behavioral negativity is a process that takes time. The process of spiritual and relational development is a lifelong endeavor, BUT DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE of thinking that it takes long for specific views and actions to be changed. For the serious follower of Christ, major changes take place quickly.

We see very few people converted today, and even fewer Christians purified from all sin, and likewise, there are very few believers that are serious enough to allow God to give them a complete transformation.

Whether crises of process, there is a pain that goes with the changes. The changes are worth the pain, but selfie orientation avoids discomfort and inconvenience.

Total change (growth) does not take place without spiritual searching and surrender and sacrifice. In this sense, the old saying is valid, "No pain, no gain."

Romans 8:18
(18) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

2 Corinthians 4:14-18
(14) Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.
(15) For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.
(16) For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.
(17) For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
(18) While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

08/25/16 PLEASING GOD...

08/25/16 PLEASING GOD...
Consider these verses that address the fact that believers can and do please God.

Psalms 51:17-19
(17) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.
(18) Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.
(19) Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar.

Psalms 69:30-31
(30) I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
(31) This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.

Psalms 103:21
(21) Bless ye the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.

Psalms 147:10-11
(10) He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man.
(11) The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear him, in those that hope in his mercy.

Proverbs 16:6-7
(6) By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the LORD men depart from evil.
(7) When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Ephesians 1:4-5
(4) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
(5) Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

Philippians 2:13
(13) For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

Colossians 1:10-11
(10) That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
(11) Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;

Colossians 3:17-24
(17) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.
(18) Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.
(19) Husbands, love your wives, and be not bitter against them.
(20) Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
(21) Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
(22) Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
(23) And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;
(24) Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:1
(1) Furthermore then we beseech you, brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.

2 Timothy 2:3-4
(3) Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.
(4) No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

Hebrews 11:5-6
(5) By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
(6) But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Hebrews 13:15-16
(15) By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
(16) But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

1 John 3:22
(22) And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.


By connecting the basic thoughts from each passage, I wrote the following paragraph.

*Pleasing God begins with God, Who takes pleasure in doing good to His people. We respond to His kindness and goodness with brokenness, godly sorrow and repentance, which leads to a life of total and continuous, self denying sacrificial love, and this pleases God. *Our spiritual worship expresses itself through song and thanksgiving, which is more pleasing than ceremonial sacrifices. *Ministering to God and ministering for God, blessrd God and gives Him pleasure. *God is pleased when we trust Him, reverence Him and hope in His mercy. *The first step in living at peace with other people is to please God. *God’s chose us to be holy and without blame, and He is pleased when we live in concert with His plan. *However, it is not by our own power or goodness that we please Him, but rather because He lives in us. *Pleasing God is an ongoing walk of good works and personal awareness of God’s truth and presence. *We are able to please God in every arena of life, regardless of the role we fill, such as employees, employers, husbands, wives, parents or children. * Not only should we please God and continue to please God, we should increase in our ability to please Him throughout our lives. *We don’t please God only in the good times, the easy time, when it is convenient, we please God in the heat of battle, when we are involved in life and death struggles. *Faith is the essential factor in pleasing God, because without faith it is impossible to please Him. *Pleasing God involves the whole man. It is not just what we say, but what we do; it is not just what we do, it is what we say. Our words and walk should bring God glory and please Him. *When we are in a right relationship with God, we want what God wants us to want, and we pray for that which God wants us to pray, thus we receive our requests because we are pleasing God.



Sinning religion is eager to tell us that Christians cannot obey and please God. (Of course, the Bible says we can obey and please God).

BUT EVEN WEIRDER, sinning religion is eager to tell us that we can, we will, we must disobey God and that we will displease Him. (Of course, such an indictment is against God and His saving grace rather than against believers, because believers would like to obey and please God, but according to sinning religion, God does not enable us to live in victory over sin.)

Instead of rejoicing in the grace of God that saves us and cleanses us from all sin, and makes us more than conquerors, and leads us in triumph, and gives us victory over sin and worldliness, sinning religionists celebrate the supposed enslavement of Christians to sin.

I am not a, "Name It/Claim It" person, but it is possible to talk yourself out of victory and talk yourself into defeat, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Just as faith comes by hearing the truth of God, so also disbelief comes by hearing and believing falsehood. God tells us to speak to ourselves with truth. Truth builds us up, but falsehood, defeatist testimony and proclamation, tears us down and victimizes us.

1 Corinthians 13:6
6 (love) Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth;



Liberalism, Secular Humanism (also known as Modern Humanism, Naturalistic Humanism, Scientific Humanism, Ethical Humanism, Democratic Humanism, Religious Humanism, Christian Humanism, Renaissance Humanism, Western and Cultural Humanism), Naturalism, Darwinism, Materialism, and other Satanic isms are weapons used to attack the God of the Holy Bible, attack the Holy Bible, attack the salvation of the Holy Bible and the people of the Holy Bible, and to destroy the faith and morality of those who refuse to submit to the revelation of God. These isms are the weapons used to break down Scriptural protection from wicked men and evil behavior. Once the protection is gone, the enemy begins to come in and eventually take over the people.

This is how sexual immorality, homosexuality and gender confusion is undermining the common sense and Divine rule in the lives of Americans. People have chosen to reject the revelation of God (the Holy Bible) and accept the Satanic lies of Public Education that have been championed by Liberal educators, at least since the time of John Dewey. It was a blatant, open, assault on Christianity from the beginning, with the intention of destroying Biblical faith in this country.

READ THE HISTORY. It was never a secret war. It was as open as today's Islamic attacks on Christianity and free people. And the American people chose to close their eyes to the intentions of Liberalism until our country has become the avowed enemy of Christ, His word and His people.

The root source of the isms mentioned in the first sentence of this article is Satan. The highly sophisticated person rejects such a thought, but the aim of these isms is to overthrow the reality, rule and revelation of the God of the Holy Bible, which is exactly what the Bible tells us concerning Satan and his agenda from the beginning of the human race.

The recent academic acceptance, political protection, and social support of homosexuality is based upon the isms mentioned above. Satan used American schooling, American politics and American sheeple to make homosexuality a norm and make normal sexuality an aberration.

When America decided to trust in the isms of Satan it decided to turn from common sense and Divine reality.



Don't misrepresent the Bible. God hates stealing yet He gave His Son as a Sacrifice to save the thief. The same is true for liars, murderers, adulterers, pedophiles, homosexuals and others who break the law of God. But remember, His offer of salvation from sin and judgment is limited by time.

Satan wants to soften the horror of sin. He leads people away from a life of holiness by increments, such as, "little white lies" before they become propagators of bald faced lying. In the same way he led America further from God by making it look like homosexuality was a valid, personal choice.

However, Satan is never satisfied to simply lead astray; he wants to lead an open revolt against God and His moral code. As with other sexual perversions, acceptance of homosexuality is leading to a society that is totally opposed to the moral law of God and hostile to the people who want to submit to God and His word.

It was never about civil rights or equal rights. It was always about moral wrong. Now we live in a nation where the leadership and the blind followers of the blind are telling us it is normal for a male to think he is a female and a female to think she is a male. Satan laughs as Liberals rise up against Christian truth and morality. Sadly, there is coming a day when God will laugh at those who refuse His righteousness, His rule and His redemption. Don't follow the crowd. Follow the Crowned King of Kings. The cost of discipleship is not worthy to be compared with the eternal blessings given to faithful followers of Christ.