Grace is something you, grow in. It is not something you, grow into.
Salvation is something you must enter into suddenly and then you must progress in continuously.
You don't get saved by accident or by Divine fiat. You get saved by invitation from God (He calls you), and by believing His grace and accepting His call, by faith.
Trusting Christ is a crisis experience. It is a life changing moment. It is turning from sin and turning to God.
Total commitment is the same. There comes a moment in time when you (as a Christian) DIE to self and sin. If you have not experienced this you need to. OR IF YOU HAVE NOT CONTINUED IN THIS PATH, then you need to MAKE FULL SURRENDER and return to full salvation.
God not only wants us to walk in newness of life, He wants us to PUT OFF THE GRAVE CLOTHES, because they stink. We ought to give a sweet smelling fragrance of love and joy and purity, not a stench.