Godliness is first of all, what you are, then it is what you do. If you do things that are thought to be godly, but they come from an ungodly disposition, then the "good" that you do is actually evil, because it is an attempt to attain to the likeness of God, without submitting to the rule of God.
In reviewing the the history of God's free willed creatures, from angels to men, we see that this concept is the very root of rebellion and rejection.
This chart gives the basic timeline of major characters and events, along with an outline.
(dates are ballpark for general reference)
God created (something from nothing) the universe in ageless past.
Earth was not created to be formless, void, dark and chaotic.
Lucifer created as perfect being.
Lucifer leads 1/3 of angels in rebellion.
Lucifer, chief of angels, becomes Satan, chief of fallen angels (demons).
Satan cast down to earth in war of heaven.
Earth becomes formless, empty, dark and chaotic.
The Spirit of God moved over the chaos to give life and light.
4,000 BC
God restored the chaotic world to order, and replaced darkness with light.
In six literal days, God made (formed something from something) the earth and created animal life and human life.
Adam given dominion over the natural world.
Adam sinned and lost his dominion to Satan.
Satan becomes prince of the power of the air, the god of this world.
God promises SEED to deliver human race from sin and death.
Righteous Abel killed by Cain.
Seth's descendants intermarry with ungodly and world population is ruined and condemned by God.
2500 BC
Noah is only righteous man left.
God destroys world with watery flood.
Noah saved, along with Shem, Ham and Japheth.
World population turns to astrology and paganism.
2000 BC
God calls Abraham out of paganism and Abraham follows.
God promises SEED to Abraham.
Abraham trusted in the flesh and took Egyptian woman as concubine.
Hagar bears Ishmael to Abraham.
Promised son (Isaac born) to Abraham and Sarah.
Conflict between Isaac and other sons of Abraham.
Promised SEED would come through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Conflict tears family apart.
Family goes into enslavement to Egypt.
1500 BC
God sends Moses to deliver Israel from bondage.
Israel settles Promised Land.
Tribes of Israel corrupted and controlled by neighbors.
God sends "judges" (leaders) to deliver Israel from enemies.
1000 BC
Israel demands a king.
Saul, David and Solomon fail God as kings of Israel.
Civil war destroys kingdom.
Israel taken captive by Assyria.
Judah taken captive by Babylonia.
500 BC
God leads Ezra and Nehemiah to lead Judah in from captivity to build city and Temple.
Corruption continues and God goes silent for 400 years.
0-33 AD
Birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
33-90 AD
Beginning and expansion of the early Church.
All of the New Testament written during this time.
20??+7 years AD
Resurrection and rapture of believers.
Rise of the anti-Christ and the time of Tribulation.
Return of Christ to set up kingdom.
20?? +++ ad - 30?? AD
One thousand year reign of Christ.
Satan bound.
After 1000 year reign, the final conflict with Satan and man.
Great White Throne Judgement
Eternal separation of all sinners from God.
Hell and Satan and sinners cast into Lake of Fire, forever.
New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem
Eternity with God, for those who believe and receive Christ as Lord and Savior.