I probably should write a booklet on, PASTOR DAVID'S PRINCIPLES OF PASTORING.
Relax, this is just one principle I have observed and thought about for many years, concerning many different situations and people.
A person who is serious with God does not have to be watched over every step, as if he/she is a baby. I have had the privilege to pastor some believers who were heroes in the faith, because they humbled themselves and followed God faithfully. It is an awesome thing to relate to other believers as fellow champions, warriors, rather than as a baby sitter or constant care giver for the under developed.
Pastors must take care of those in the fold who are the lambs and the injured and sickly. But each one should grow, should become pure, should mature and develop to warrior status.
I had so many in my care who did follow Christ fully that I, "got spoiled." I just expected all believers to either move forward with Christ or the few rebels to move out of the faith and church. Then there came a time when people who could have, people who should have moved further and deeper in Christ and faith, chose not to follow fully.
I believe convicting people of sin is the Holy Spirit's ministry. I try to do my job by preaching, teaching and counseling. However, I got to the point that I just counted on others to be on fire for Christ. When I encountered those who did not move forward, those who allowed negative attitudes to remain, I just kept believing the best. Sadly, I have been disappointed and watched people grow comfortable in their stagnation. Still, I hoped that through my preaching, teaching and counsel, that they would change.
BAD NEWS. Sometimes people will not follow fully. This is where the pastor must be pro active, according to Biblical standards and discipline.
SAD NEWS. Some folks never turn from sin and follow fully, even when lovingly confronted.
When such sin and selfishness brings upheaval to a local church, then discipline may eventuate in Biblical ex-communication. When negativity remains, though subdued and quiet, we cannot yank those tares out, lest we tear out the innocent (little ones) with the older offenders.
However, the pastor must be watchful, courageous and wise. There comes a time when the body must be protected from the wolves. When that happens, the innocent will suffer. But it is the fault of the offender of the faith, not the fault of the defender of the faith.
Love demands patience, grace, kindness. These qualities can be mistaken for weakness or naivete. But for the good of all, including the unrepentant disrupter, there comes a time when the line must be drawn.
Three options for a pastor.
#1 Do not exercise Biblical discipline on offenders, just let it play out.
#2 Rule the flock as an ogre and rip out the innocent with the guilty.
#3 Love the flock, love the disrupter but protect the flock of Christ by lovingly dealing with disrupters. There will still be losses, but hopefully there will be miraculous redemptive reconciliation.