Wednesday, March 9, 2016


As it was with Obama, so shall it be with Trump.

I warned folks vociferously that Obama was an enemy of Christ and the Church, an enemy of America's founding principles, in fact an enemy of everything that is not Obama. Obama's words, his actions, his history, his associations, his aspirations and his plan for America were obviously anti-American, anti-Christian, yet his followers were undaunted in their support, and have continued to be, regardless of his unchanging commitment to change America for the worse.

The same is happening with Trump. Everything about him cries out, "Danger, Danger," yet his followers are unmoved by his words, his actions, his history, his philosophy of life. Yet, if he becomes President (and don't be surprised if he does, remember Obama pulled it off twice, and Hillary has gotten away with crime after crime, and an open Socialist is running boldly with an impressive following). as I was saying, if Trump becomes President and continues to live and act with arrogance and blatant disregard for honesty, his followers will not see him as dangerous.

Trump is crude and self righteous, and he is getting the blind followship that is making him even more arrogant and dangerous. He has claimed to be a Christian in order to get Christians to vote for him, even though he stands against Christian principles, and EVEN THOUGH HE BOLDLY ASSERTS THAT HE HAS NEVER ASKED GOD TO FORGIVE HIM. What kind of Christian is that??? And what kind of Christian will declare that Trump is a Christian. And, BTW, Trumps actions agree with his lack of verbal contrition and repentance.

Among the multitude of statements Trump has made, his recent comment concerning Romney is very disturbing. (remember, I am not a Romney spokes person). Trump says that when Romney sought Trump's support and money, he (Trump) could have told Romney to get on his knees, and he would have. Regardless of whether that is accurate or not, the story tells more about Trump than about Romney. The story tells us that either way America goes, Clinton or Trump, it will be more of an anti-Christ spirit leading America.

But, my words will fall dead, just as they did when America voted Obama into office, and his followers still think he is a hero.