(or, I could have titled it, Welcome To Laodicea)
I just re-posted a silly video I produced a couple of years ago about people "getting into their electronic devices." There is great truth in that idea. HOWEVER there is equal truth in the fact that CHRISTIANS HAVE NOT GOTTEN INTO INTERNET COMMUNICATIONS ENOUGH.
I have addressed this issue many time, so I won't rehash it again.
Suffice it to say, we need people with a vision for mass communications through the internet. The affinity that people have with electronic devices is not to be confused with a vision for implementing electronic devices in the work of God.
BTW, it is not as if the vision for using the internet in ministry is un-necessary and overshadowed because most Christians are so caught up in other visions of ministry. With all of the good things that we see around us, concerning the message of Christ in this world, the fact is that I have never seen less fire and urgency than today.