Friday, March 3, 2017

12/20/16 THEN YOU KNOW...

12/20/16 THEN YOU KNOW...

If you have a HOLY BIBLE...
If you are following THE NEWS...

That the international events are lining up for a final showdown. (no, I am not setting a date, but I am not ignoring the evidence).

THE NEWS is filled with RUSSIA... IRAN... TURKEY... SYRIA, which

THE HOLY BIBLE reveals to be among the main players in end time events.

A GENERATION AGO most people could not even tell you where Iran, Turkey, Syria, or Libya, or Jordan was located.

TODAY most people cannot tell you anything about the Bible.

SATAN has bamboozled the world using a wide arsenal of weapons, including Christ hating Liberalism, Christ hating Islam, Christ hating Humanism, Christ hating Cultism. Come to think of it, whatever is Christ hating is in the devils quiver.

living in ignorance, living in delusion, living in opposition to God,

don't get saved,
don't go to a strong Bible preaching church,
don't give up your worldliness,
don't enlighten your mind and heart with Bible study,
don't be conformed to the image of Jesus,
don't live in harmony with the people of God.

ON THE OTHER HAND, if you are ready...

to turn from sin,
to trust Christ only and fully for your salvation,
to be the person (the man or woman, the husband or wife, the parent the single) you should be,

LET me know and I will share God's truth with you and help you learn God's truth and walk in God's way.

If you live in Carteret County and need to get into Bible study, I will try to set something us for you and your friends and family.

DON'T DELAY, it is later than you think, but it is not too late to rethink your eternal destiny.