It bothers me when I see someone boast in their supposed scholarship and faithfulness to the word of God, when in reality they are false prophets. John MacArthur boasts in his orthodoxy and his faithfulness to teach the truth about salvation, but he denies that Jesus died for everyone. GO FIGURE.
( a discussion ensued, the comments are my responses to others)
I do expect some people to disagree with me, because they have been misled by false teachers, but that does not change the fact that...
"...he (Jesus) is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:2)
1 Timothy 4:9-11
(9) This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
(10) For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
(11) These things command and teach.
As far as an argument is concerned, I will be glad to communicate with people individually about the Bible, but NO, I am not going to allow false doctrine to be propagated on my Timeline.
God allows me to preach what I preach. I do not lift any man above Scripture. God gave us His word and NO MAN has the right to change it, no matter how clever he or she may be.
BTW, no one can read what I said and reasonably think that I am boasting in my authority. I stand on the word of God, not the doctrines of men, not the false doctrines of anyone.
Thank you for your response. As I said, I am willing to discuss it on a personal basis but of course, I will address these things on my Timeline, just as I have friends who address things on their Timelines.
I have friends that hold to various beliefs, with which I do not agree, but I do not go onto their page to argue with them, and very seldom comment on their Timeline to make comment concerning their error, therefore I am not being inequitable. Each of us can say what we want in our own house. I have actually been in churches when preachers have used their pulpit to attack me as a person, but still I did not retaliate at that time. In fact, I have sat quietly until the end of the service and then spoken privately with the preacher.
My post did address John MacArthur because he is a voice of authority concerning this error that Jesus did not die for everyone. I disagree with MacArthur, Spurgeon, Calvin, Luther and others concerning their blatant rejection of the revealed word of God. I also disagree with any teacher, preacher, "theologian" (whatever camp he is in) who chooses man's word over God's word. In MacArthur's case, he even contradicts himself on this particular issue.
Allen and I have discussed this, among other things, but we have not really debated anything, in the truest sense of the word. Internet debating, without clear guidelines is almost a waste of time. I would love to sit down and have meaningful exchange with folks.
I realize that folks think I am teaching false doctrine. Of course you think I am teaching false doctrine. That does not offend me. One of us is right and one of us is wrong. Either Jesus did die for the sins of the whole world (as the Bible says) or the doctrine of Penal Atonement is correct. I choose the Bible, not the teachings of Luther, Calvin, MacArthur, Spurgeon or anyone else.
However, I am not constantly quoting men or referring to doctrinal positions, as many other people do. I quote the word of God and I refer to Scripture. When it comes to Luther and Calvin (for instance), it is their lives and actions that witness against them, as well as their teachings.
I appreciate those who have sacrificed for the truth, whether they are Christians or not, but I owe my message and my right to preach my message to God.
Again brother, I appreciate you and your kindness, regardless of our differences. I also love you and have wished many times that we could sit down and share with one another.
Merry Christmas to you and your family also.
( a discussion ensued, the comments are my responses to others)
I do expect some people to disagree with me, because they have been misled by false teachers, but that does not change the fact that...
"...he (Jesus) is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:2)
1 Timothy 4:9-11
(9) This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation.
(10) For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
(11) These things command and teach.
As far as an argument is concerned, I will be glad to communicate with people individually about the Bible, but NO, I am not going to allow false doctrine to be propagated on my Timeline.
God allows me to preach what I preach. I do not lift any man above Scripture. God gave us His word and NO MAN has the right to change it, no matter how clever he or she may be.
BTW, no one can read what I said and reasonably think that I am boasting in my authority. I stand on the word of God, not the doctrines of men, not the false doctrines of anyone.
Thank you for your response. As I said, I am willing to discuss it on a personal basis but of course, I will address these things on my Timeline, just as I have friends who address things on their Timelines.
I have friends that hold to various beliefs, with which I do not agree, but I do not go onto their page to argue with them, and very seldom comment on their Timeline to make comment concerning their error, therefore I am not being inequitable. Each of us can say what we want in our own house. I have actually been in churches when preachers have used their pulpit to attack me as a person, but still I did not retaliate at that time. In fact, I have sat quietly until the end of the service and then spoken privately with the preacher.
My post did address John MacArthur because he is a voice of authority concerning this error that Jesus did not die for everyone. I disagree with MacArthur, Spurgeon, Calvin, Luther and others concerning their blatant rejection of the revealed word of God. I also disagree with any teacher, preacher, "theologian" (whatever camp he is in) who chooses man's word over God's word. In MacArthur's case, he even contradicts himself on this particular issue.
Allen and I have discussed this, among other things, but we have not really debated anything, in the truest sense of the word. Internet debating, without clear guidelines is almost a waste of time. I would love to sit down and have meaningful exchange with folks.
I realize that folks think I am teaching false doctrine. Of course you think I am teaching false doctrine. That does not offend me. One of us is right and one of us is wrong. Either Jesus did die for the sins of the whole world (as the Bible says) or the doctrine of Penal Atonement is correct. I choose the Bible, not the teachings of Luther, Calvin, MacArthur, Spurgeon or anyone else.
However, I am not constantly quoting men or referring to doctrinal positions, as many other people do. I quote the word of God and I refer to Scripture. When it comes to Luther and Calvin (for instance), it is their lives and actions that witness against them, as well as their teachings.
I appreciate those who have sacrificed for the truth, whether they are Christians or not, but I owe my message and my right to preach my message to God.
Again brother, I appreciate you and your kindness, regardless of our differences. I also love you and have wished many times that we could sit down and share with one another.
Merry Christmas to you and your family also.