One person cannot have a right relationship with another person if one of them is two faced.
Sometimes the two faced person is able to mask his duplicity, and deceive the other person, but still, they cannot have a right relationship.
No one can have an honest relationship with another person if one of them is saying things, or doing things, or even if he is thinking things that are divisive.
Sometimes the two faced person thinks that he is fooling the other person by hiding his dishonesty, when in fact the other person either sees through the ruse or simply senses the subterfuge.
The person who is being double dealt may have enough love to endure the abuse, but if the deceiver does not get deliverance from his treachery, the damaged relationship will continue to deteriorate until it is unmendable.
When someone allows himself to double-deal another person, he eventually misshapes himself totally by such underhandedness.
I have watched as children (becoming young people and eventually adults), allowed their hidden scorn and mockery for parents and/or siblings to fester until their relationship is finally killed.
It all seems funny and clever to the deceiver, but their cleverness destroys relationship, other people and the deceiver himself.
When one person silently watches and laughs as another person mocks someone, that silent partner becomes part of the hypocrisy.