Great numbers of people live discouraged and defeated lives. They have either failed at so many thing or they have failed so miserably at the things which were most important to them that they have just given-in to failure and given up all hope.
Sometimes the failures in life are our own fault, sometimes they are the fault of others.
Sometimes they are avoidable and sometimes they are inevitable.
Sometimes they are bumps in the road and sometimes they are gaping gorges.
So, what should we do when there is no hope of actualizing our former dreams?
It is that simple. As bad as things have gotten, and as hopeless as it may be to reach specific goals, God is the God of hope and the God of new beginnings. God has not failed to fulfill His commitment. God has not failed us. Therefore God is not defeated and God is not stymied and God is not confused or discouraged.
While there have been problems that may keep us from reaching the highest possible levels of a totally successful life, there is the possibility of still reaching new heights and there is the need to avoid falling deeper into the pit of despair and total and eternal loss.
God does not fail, God does not abandon, God does not quit, God does not get out maneuvered.