The more I think about the spiritual condition of most people that I meet (who call themselves Christians), the more I realize that the likeness of Christ in us is, "more caught than taught."
1. God calls, enlightens, equips, gifts, sends and anoints men to preach and teach the word of God.
2. God enlightens, teaches and leads those who hear and then do what His word tells them to do.
3. We must choose to be in a situation that affords us the proper teaching and preaching, because faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by way of the word of God. This includes the fundamental truths of the gospel and the whole counsel of God.
4. We must walk in the light, which God gives us through His word, in order to grow in grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.
5. It is possible to be, "ever learning, bunt not coming to the knowledge of the truth."