Friday, March 3, 2017



Submission to authority is both an, "ought to," and a, "want to" action, response, behavior. The Spirit filled Christian obeys legitimate authority (especially Divinely designated authority) because we "ought to" and because we "want to."

As a child, and especially since I was a believer in my very early childhood, and therefore I loved my parents with Divine love, and because I was raised with the idea that children are supposed to obey their parents, I always felt the guilt and shame when I disobeyed mom and dad as a child. It broke my heart to hurt my mom or dad, because I loved them. I did obey from a sense of, "ought," but I also obeyed from a sense of, "want." My obedience arose primarily because of my love for them rather than my obligation. That is why my submission was a happy submission rather than a begrudged obedience. Obviously, my desire to obey and please my parents came as a result of a right relationship with God, which enabled me. Equally obvious, any disobedience or dissatisfaction I had was the result of my own rebellion against the Lordship of Christ.

With this as an example, let me point out that a happy, willful and trusting obedience to God is the goal of perfect love and the outgrowth of a pure heart. YES, we are obligated and expected to obey God, regardless of our understanding or our preferences in life, but joyful and wholehearted submission is the proof of sanctifying grace in our lives. We are expected to obey because of obligation, but we should surrender until we obey because of loving submission.

It is better to serve and follow and obey God because of desire than as a response to His demands.