Friday, March 3, 2017


(SUGGESTION... This NOTE could be used as a discussion starter in a group setting, whether a family group or church group. Open and honest participation is essential to success.
Openness of self requires vulnerability and trust and humility. Honesty concerning self implies confessing personal failure, weakness, sin, and a willingness to change.)
Some things go together by nature or design. Marketers produce and sell items that are meant to be together, such as dishes, furnishings, clothing, game consoles and games, fishing tackle, computing, tools, machinery, and the list goes on. In some of these cases the items only function with other items within a matched brand.

God is the originator of matched items. God designed the human race to be matched to Himself and God designed man and woman to be together as mates. It is evident in the physiology and the psychology. The order of authority also is designed by God. This design extends to the entire family. In fact, as the family grows into a tribe and a tribe grows into a nation, the principles of order and unity continues through each succeeding level.

God continued to design and form a corporate unified body when He established the Church. In fact, the Church is the spiritual extension of the extended natural family. It is seen in the various levels of the Divine family, from its local gathering to its universal unity.

However, sin undermines the unity, destroys the intended design. Husbands and wives are designed to be, "one flesh." Satan set out to destroy the Divine and human relationship, then he targeted the husband and wife match, followed by the ruin of family unity. His diabolical scheme has brought hatred and killing to every nation, undermining God's design for a world of love and peace. Satan has continued his campaign of corruption and destruction into the Body of Christ.

This is not to say that Satan's power is greater than God's power, or to say that God's plan is defeated by Satan's attacks. Though God allows men to make their own eternal choices, God does have an elect, chosen group of believers that follow God's will, and will reign with God in eternity.

BUT WHAT ABOUT the disunity that takes place between marrieds, families and even churches? God's plan has always been reconciliation. This is a very broad subject, but I will briefly mention a few verses. If these verses are followed by believers, they will see miraculous results. The unity that we enter into with God is lost, destroyed, when we choose not to live under God's rule. We can only maintain our relationship with Him if we seek Him with the whole heart.

Ephesians 4:3
(3) Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Jude 1:20-21
(20) But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
(21) Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

Holy Spirit Directed Jerusalem... REMAIN LOYAL TO THE LORD
Acts 11:23
(23) Who, when he came, and had seen the grace of God, was glad, and exhorted them all, that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord.
Holy Spirit Directed Antioch... REMAIN IN THE GRACE OF GOD
Acts 13:43
(43) Now when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who, speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.
Holy Spirit Directed  Lystra... CONTINUE IN THE FAITH
Acts 14:22
(22) Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.

We are given the responsibility to keep the unity of the Holy Spirit in our relationships. God makes it happen for those who pursue it.

Husbands and wives must endeavor (hastily give diligence) to keeping unity.

Families must endeavor to keeping unity.

Churches must endeavor to keep unity.

Marriages can be restored, families can be restored, churches can be restored. But it comes at the price of total surrender to God. It comes to those who deny self and make themselves servants of others.

Unity, peace is not an unconditional promise. It is only obtained by those who, build themselves up in the most holy faith; those who keep themselves in the love of God; those who persistently remain loyal to the Lord; those who continue in the grace of God; those who continue in the faith.

Faith that does not obey is not saving faith, it is PRESUMPTION on the grace of God. No one is saved or kept by presuming on God. We are saved and our relationships are maintained through grace through obedient faith.