The History Loop is not a thrill ride at the amusement park or a week long re-playing of an educational series of docudramas about the past.
The history loop is the fact that what has happened in the past repeats itself, over and over and over.
The Holy Bible is the record of man rejecting God's rule and trying to establish his own rule and trying to attain to supreme authority. This is the history loop.
"Lord, what fools these mortals be," as Shakespeare had Puck say.
"The fool has said in his heart that there is no God," as God said, through the Psalmist.
* In fact, the loop began before there was man.
* Lucifer (who is now being presented in a Fox TV program that makes him a crime fighting hero), the chief angel before his attempt to overthrow God, became the chief demon, Satan, after God cast him from God's presence, along with the other angels that followed him in his rebellion.
* The fall of Lucifer (the chief angel who fell because of rebelling against God, and is now known as Satan, the chief of demons, or fallen angels), and the fall of earthly leaders follow along the same path of arrogance and selfish ambition, as we see in this passage from Isaiah 14:12-15.
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Isaiah 14:13-15
13 “But you said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God,
And I will sit on the mount of assembly
In the recesses of the north.
14 ‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.’
15 “Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol,
To the recesses of the pit.
DLG note...
This Is The Formula For Failure, Followed By Men and Demons.
* An inner ambition and plan to ascend to a place of power and deity.
* A plan to be exalted above all other creatures.
* A plan to be worshiped and obeyed.
* A plan to wield unchallenged power.
* A plan to be God.
* With man, this abominable ambition began in the Garden, when Adam intended to become like God.
* It was repeated when Cain refused to yield to the Lordship of God, and he tried to earn his own exaltation.
* It was rampant in the days of Noah, when the intent of the heart of man was only evil continually.
* It was revived in the postdiluvian world through the kingdom building of Nimrod.
* It was this attempt to overthrow God at Babel, which resulted in the confusion of languages.
* It was this belief that man attains to deity which instigated the mistaken idea that the rulers of nations were god's or demigods, as in Babylon, Assyria, Egypt, Canaan, Carthage, Greece, Chaldea, Persia, Rome, British Isles, Scandinavia, Japan, China, South America, Germany.
* The Bible tells us that there will be a world ruler who arises at the end of this present age, claiming to be God.
* This god will be the manifestation and personification of Satan, and is known in the Holy Bible as, "the beast," and as, "the anti-Christ." Islam and New Age religion and occultist also claim that they will have a ruler rise up at the end of time, either as a divine being or a divine messenger.
* Therefore we should not be surprised that there is a movement in our society that is preparing the minds of men to receive and reverence such a ruler.
* This is where Liberalism and Humanism converge in our society. These two groups believe that man is the ultimate being and that the belief in the God of the Bible is futile and false.
* American education, politics, religion are aligned with Liberalism and Humanism and are enemies of Biblical Christianity, which is why the Liberal agenda and all other Christ denying leaders are leading multitudes of Americans into a false hope in false gods.
* In other words, America is part of the History Loop of Heresy.
I realize that most folks will think this is just a matter of my opinion. IT IS NOT. Everything I have told you is based on facts and historical records.
As long as our leaders deny the Bible and promote an anti-Christian agenda, our country is headed for destruction.